Quinte Dental Hygiene Clinic

Hi, I'm Elaine De Vouge, RDH
Owner of Quinte Dental Hygiene Clinic.

When to Floss?

image man flossing teeth
Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As you probably already know, regular oral hygiene is essential in order to keep your teeth in tip top shape. As I have mentioned in previous articles, you want your teeth to last a very, very long time. One might optimistically hope for 70 years or more! And that's not going to happen without regular maintenance on your part and checkups with your dental professional (hopefully twice a year professional teeth cleaning by your registered independent dental hygienist). But one question that comes up now and then is 'When is the best time to floss?'

Flossing, of course, is a process of cleaning between the teeth to remove debris and food particles in areas that are simply too hard to reach with a toothbrush.  If this debris/food combination is allowed to remain between the teeth, it provides a breeding ground for the growth of bacteria which leads to plaque build up and eventually periodontal disease.

Floss Before or After Brushing Your Teeth?

I believe it's better to floss first and then brush your teeth.  The flossing will remove or at least loosen the existing bacteria, debris and food particles which can then be completely removed with brushing and rinsing of your mouth.

You should always use a fresh strand of dental floss every time and carefully run the floss between and around all of your teeth.  Be careful not to perform a sawing action especially too close to the gum line as you risk cutting into your gum tissue.  You should never miss out on flossing simply because you think your teeth look good or that they feel clean enough, or that simply brushing is enough.

Do I Floss in the morning or at night?

To start with you really only need to floss once a day (unlike brushing which should be done more often, after meals).  You could floss either in the morning or at night but I believe flossing at night has the advantage of preventing food and debris buildup from remaining in between the teeth crevices overnight.  This should also prevent the build-up of plaque (which as we know is a cause of tooth decay).

Flossing Help

If you have questions about flossing or your flossing technique or other questions such as what type of floss is best, contact me at Quinte Dental Health Clinic and I will be more than happy to help you out!

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