Quinte Dental Hygiene Clinic

Hi, I'm Elaine De Vouge, RDH
Owner of Quinte Dental Hygiene Clinic.

Teeth Cleaning Services Need Not Be Expensive

This is a reprint of a letter to the editor of EMC Quinte News.  

Teeth cleaning services need not be expensive

Belleville News
In reply to the very honest and realistic Letter to the Editor by Mr. Garry Herschberg of Havelock published in your July 4 issue, we agree wholeheartedly that the cost of dentistry in this province has become "obscene." Mr. Herschberg addresses the fact that in other parts of the world reasonable charges abound; the USA, Mexico and Costa Rica are a few such places that we can confirm his statement. Procedures are a fraction of the cost charged by some greedy Ontario dentists who charge much more than the fee schedule for their profession. We suggest anyone who wants to do something about this and revolt against the establishment and the high costs we are paying to make an appointment with a Dental Hygiene Clinic (there are numerous such clinics in and around Trenton and Belleville). There you can have your teeth cleaned and checked by highly skilled RDH professionals who charge considerably less for those who need regular teeth cleaning. Their expertise also includes mobile services to residences, retirement homes or nursing homes. They also are experienced with mouth guard services and clinics for children; some even have a denturist on staff. They can and will refer you to a dentist if you require procedures not within their areas of expertise.
It's a good way to start to keep some of your hard-earned money in your own pocket!
C. M. Collier,
Carrying Place

Quinte Dental Hygiene Clinic Location