Quinte Dental Hygiene Clinic

Hi, I'm Elaine De Vouge, RDH
Owner of Quinte Dental Hygiene Clinic.

Ten Reasons to Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

Many people do not realize just how important good oral hygiene is, not only for one's looks but also for one's overall health and well-being.  Poor oral hygiene can lead to both dental problems such as gum disease and infection and other medical problems such as bone loss, heart disease, strokes and more.

Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help to prevent these issues from occurring.  It’s important to realize that even if you have good oral hygiene practices at home, you still need professional teeth cleaning in order to remove plaque build-up that is not removed by brushing alone.

Here are ten important reasons to ensure you have your teeth professionally cleaned:

1. Screening for Oral Cancer

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, a national non-profit public service entity, approximately 42,000 people in the U.S. will be newly diagnosed with oral cancer in 2013. According to Canadian Cancer Society statistics, approximately 4000 Canadians were diagnosed with oral cancer in Canada (which correlates well with the U.S. numbers as the Canadian population is approximately one tenth that of the U.S.).  When you have a dental cleaning you are also being screened for oral cancer which generally speaking highly curable if caught early.

2. Preventing Gum Disease

Periodontal disease, or ‘gum is usually caused by bacteria from plaque and tartar build-up over time.  There are other factors that can potentially cause gum disease including the use of tobacco, clenching or grinding of the teeth, some medications and genetic factors. 

Gingivitus is the name given to the beginning stage of gum disease and it often goes undetected.  This stage of the disease is, generally speaking, reversible.

Periodontitis is the stage of gum disease that follows gingivitis. There are many levels of periodontitis but a common outcome is chronic inflammatory response, a condition in which the body breaks down bone and tissue in the infected areas of the mouth. This then leads to bone loss and an increased chance of tooth loss.

In addition to professional teeth cleanings bi-annually, regular brushing and flossing are key preventive measures to avoid gum disease.

3. To Keep Your Teeth

As defined above gum disease leads to teeth loss. Of course no one wants to lose their teeth both because of cosmetic reasons and because good teeth are critical for proper eating function and affect speech as well.

4. To Maintain Good Physical Health

Studies in recent years have linked heart attacks and strokes to poor oral hygiene.  A proper dental cleaning every six months along with proper daily brushing and flossing can help to reduce these risk factors.

5.  Early Detection of Dental Issues

Your hygienist can help detect early signs of problems with your gums or your teeth. This can include early detection of cavities, broken fillings and gum disease. Early treatment is the best option for both health and cost reasons.   Untreated dental problems can lead to more complicated treatments such as root canals or gum surgery and removal of the teeth might end up becoming the only option available leading to yet further expensive dental work to replace the missing teeth.

6. To Detect Changes in Your Oral Health

Regular check-ups (bi-annually) will help with early detection of any changes in your oral health by comparing with your previous history.  If you are getting off-track with your oral hygiene the earlier this is identified, the better.

7.  For A Brighter and Whiter Smile

Regular cleaning by your dental hygienist will help ensure a beautiful smile.   Your dental hygienist can remove most coffee, tea and tobacco stains and also polish your teeth to give them a beautiful shine.

8. Preventing Bad Breath

According to Wikipedia bad breath or halitosis is estimated to be the third most frequent reason for seeking dental aid, following tooth decay and periodontal disease.[1] Most often a dental problem is the root cause of halitosis and good oral hygiene is essential to prevent it.  Regular check-ups and teeth cleanings are instrumental in preventing halitosis.

9. Avoid Higher Cost Treatment Later

Regular check-ups can help you avoid more costly treatments later. Proper maintenance, regular check-ups and daily oral hygiene practices will help avoid major dental problems such as cavities or gum disease.

10. Use Your Dental Coverage

Most dental insurance plans in Ontario allow for two dental cleanings per year. Taking advantage of this will save you money in the long run and help ensure you stay in a condition of optimal health.

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